Comments on: Brown Butter, Miso & Walnut Dark Chocolate Blondies Fri, 24 Dec 2021 02:19:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ann Fri, 24 Dec 2021 02:19:52 +0000 I just mixed 1 teaspoon of Tahini with 1/2 teaspoon of Miso(white), 1/2 teaspoon of Coconut Aminos, and 1/2 teaspoon of maple syrup. I mixed it together and poured it on my sweet potatoes for dinner–WOW! I am know obsessed with Miso flavoring and Tahini. These blondies look just like what I need of the end of Christmas Holiday preparation! Thank you for sharing your creative recipes! Most importantly, I applaud you for speaking out about how essential the acceptance of Mental Health and approach compassionately. Individuals with these conditions are so vulnerable because of CNS and PNS are not firing or reading messages properly. By very nature, these are neurologic. They mistake for having the chills for the possibility of a fever, fatigue and lack of energy for Endocrine disorders instead of Depression, pain in their body and even incontinence issues that really are all neurologic in nature. The brain is part of the Central Nervous System and we consider a stroke, tumor or traumatic brain injury as an Intensive Care Need. What if we relabeled Mental Health as an “Acute Nervous System Imbalance” which places the emphasis on the Neurogenic-GI connection at hand impacting every sensory system in a human being? I truly believe reclassification of these conditions will be essential towards moving forward in the acceptance of treatment, seeking help, and reducing stigma. Bravo for the brave work you do! Most compassionate profession. I am so grateful you are strong enough to do this work. My nervous system would not fare as well. Merry Christmas!

By: Claudia Brick Thu, 22 Apr 2021 10:14:46 +0000 In reply to christi.

Hi Christi, so sorry I missed this message. I’m not exactly sure what might have made the difference. I certainly find it is better to leave it overnight to set as it does continue cooking somewhat when out of the oven. I use large eggs myself, and I can’t image the sugar or butter being very different. It is most likely different ovens I think – I’ve moved house a few times recently and have found I have needed to adjust oven temperatures significantly and have invested in an oven thermometer to improve consistency! Even with the thermometer though, some ovens seem to cook things on top more quickly than others, even at the same temperature.
You could definitely try with slightly more flour, and maybe just slightly longer in the oven – you might find it just needs another 5-10 minutes.

By: christi Sun, 13 Dec 2020 04:43:34 +0000 In reply to Claudia Brick.

Hi! I was excited to try these as well. Same problem with not cooking up. Yes, the pan is 9″ or 20 cm, the oven was 350 degrees (180C) for 35 min. I used a scale to measure everything out. And… it was raw.

Maybe there are some differences in eggs too large? American ingredients? Could sugar, butter, or vanilla paste be more liquidy? Misp paste different? Going to add more flour next time to see if that helps.

By: Claudia Brick Sun, 20 Oct 2019 03:45:13 +0000 In reply to Molly.

Hi Molly! I’m so sorry you experienced that. Did you use scales for the ingredients and the same size baking tin? That is the main thing I’d be thinking of- I’ve never had that issue though so I’m really not sure why. The other thing is to make sure that the butter is fully browned, as it reduces in volume as it browns (as the water component starts to evaporate off) – so if it wasn’t browned then it might be more liquidly/oily. Let me know if any of that helps at all x

By: Molly Thu, 17 Oct 2019 17:04:54 +0000 I tried this and it went horribly. Great flavors, but I couldn’t get the blondies to cook no matter how long I left them in. I could’ve left them in for a month and the middle was still raw. Any suggestions?
Currently, I have them cut up (as best as I could) and put in the freezer. I’m going to try to bake them again as cookies just so they can cook through hopefully!
